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We know that funding of care is a major consideration when choosing a home for yourself or a loved one, and whilst we are not authorised to advise on this, here are some resources and sources of information you may find useful:

The Care Act which came into effect on 1 April 2015 is the biggest change to English adult social care law in over 60 years, reforming the law relating to care and support for adults and their carers.

The Age UK website has a lot of useful information on NHS continuing healthcare and NHS-funded nursing and how your needs will be assessed.

The Independent Age website offers advice and support for older age including paying care home fees and they have also produced this informative video.

Care Funding Guidance ( provide a practical guide on how to meet care fees in the UK, as well as guidance on what your options are likely to be. Their service is subsidised by the Financial Services industry so is free to access.